Thursday 8 January 2009

Innovation Number 15: Recession SAP....

Innovation Number 15
Recession SAP....

A recent bit of research from AMR (thanks to Derek Prior - See SAP Star Number 14) has highlighted the key needs for senior IT personnel surf the credit crunch and come out the other end with a leaner, meaner well respected IT department.
The one key finding from the research highlights that the relationship between CIO and executive was very important and will seriously impact the CIO continuity if not at the highest level possible.

The csi10 CIO coaching programme, a 7 half-day session programme enables you to identify and radically improve the relationship. Utilising a combination of self-branding, a proven sales methodology and change management principles, the approach gives you a clear, concise and easily manageable process to improve your standing within your corporate community - the essential ingredient of recession survival for a CIO.

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