Thursday 19 February 2009

SAP Innovation Newsletter 19: Introduction

The sea-change in IT spending has started to become apparent, with more and more companies preferring small, fast investment projects to the large transition programmes of yesterday. csi10 offers the first of many low cost, highly visible, high return innovations that will help any CIO prove significant added value; fast!.
We also introduce a real leader in the field Change Management and Education, whilst we ask if you want to join a really successful FTSE100 company to help define their Change Management function. Lastly; if you really want to secure your future, you may wish to consider a career in Information Security; the latest IT talent shortage!

Innovation Number 19: High Return; Less than 1 year ROI

Low cost; High return; Less than 1 year ROI.

In these 'interesting times' in which we find ourselves, large scale IT investment is becoming rarer and there is a growing trend to make smaller investments which make big returns within 12 months.
It is also imperative that these projects help raise the profile if the IT department as a valued and valuable organisation.
There is one simple innovation that ticks all these boxes if you are using SAP finance; Remote Purchase Order Management.
Giving your executive (and other senior management) the ability to manage purchase orders on their mobile device (phone, blackberry or PDA) can prove to be a magnificent multiplier in terms of IT department profile.
With no extra hardware or increase in SAP licenses, the investment is relatively small but the impact of engaging your senior management is immense.
IQlink provides you with the complete solution, fast (a leading food company had their executives using their mobiles to authorise Purchase Orders in just 4 weeks).
To raise IT's profile and demonstrate high-value return for minimal investment, ask me for more information....

SAP Star Number 19 : John McGann

Let me introduce.....
John McGann

John enables change in large organisations; his ability to identify, formulate and execute change and training programmes in large transition and ERP implementation programmes is awesome.
Having been involved in more than 20 such programmes, John knows how to assess the culture and then determines the best mix of change processes to ensure that the business reaps the value they have planned to derive. He has also been acknowledged by colleagues as having a thorough knowledge of international learning strategies. Having programme managed technical implementations he fully understands the challenges of change from both the business and technical perspective.
Currently engaged in rolling out the full education programme for a SAP ERP programme for 30,000 end users, John is definitely someone who you need to speak to if you are planning a change that will effect many business users.
As a long term colleague and a good friend, I have no problem in recommending John to ANY one wanting to ensure the business can derive the benefits of a serious change programme.

tel: 07712 663598

SIN19: Secure your next a security guard!

Secure your next a security guard!

It has been reported that two-thirds of the senior Informaton Security positions have not been filled due to a skills shortage.
The Institute of Information Security Professionals (IISP) says that 14 senior positions in the public and private sector have not been filled due a shortage of talent.
An ever increasing number of very public lapses in companies security processes, has meant a big increase in programmes to ensure companies are protecting all levels of information. The skills to be able to define policy and strategy seems to be the key missing talents.
So, maybe now is the time to invest in yourself and expand your security expertise; by all accounts finding a new, very senior role should be quite easy...

For more information take a look at this article

SIN19: csi10 Wanted : Senior Change Management Professionals

csi10 have been asked to help find a senior and experienced Change Manager who can help the CIO function of one of the fastest growing FTSE100 companies achieve it goals.
The role will be to set strategy, policy and process to ensure that the CIO function is seen as a valued and valuable asset to the company; whilst ensuring that all the transisiton programmes (major and minor)can deliver smooth, effective business change to capaitalise on the ever increasing new business being won.
You will have to demonstrate a true dedication and expertise in the art and science of change management.
If you, or someone you know, is up for a real challenge, then please contact me (Jeremy White).

tel: 07712 663598