Thursday 19 February 2009

Innovation Number 19: High Return; Less than 1 year ROI

Low cost; High return; Less than 1 year ROI.

In these 'interesting times' in which we find ourselves, large scale IT investment is becoming rarer and there is a growing trend to make smaller investments which make big returns within 12 months.
It is also imperative that these projects help raise the profile if the IT department as a valued and valuable organisation.
There is one simple innovation that ticks all these boxes if you are using SAP finance; Remote Purchase Order Management.
Giving your executive (and other senior management) the ability to manage purchase orders on their mobile device (phone, blackberry or PDA) can prove to be a magnificent multiplier in terms of IT department profile.
With no extra hardware or increase in SAP licenses, the investment is relatively small but the impact of engaging your senior management is immense.
IQlink provides you with the complete solution, fast (a leading food company had their executives using their mobiles to authorise Purchase Orders in just 4 weeks).
To raise IT's profile and demonstrate high-value return for minimal investment, ask me for more information....

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