Thursday 6 May 2010

Innovation Number 26: Harnessing Prodigious Power

We have recently been very impressed by the claims of a very valuable and highly desirable piece of extraordinary thinking that claims it can reduce the costs of operating your SAP systems by £10m’s.

The approach claims to harness the GRIDComputing concepts and apply them to the SAP infrastructure with some very key and highly protected additions.

This apparently simple idea is making remarkable claims; for one of their clients, this include:-

  • Server Count reduced by 90%.
  • SAP Instances reduced from 130 to 30
  • Consistent management of environments 80% automated

Along with some other incredible simplifications and reduction in complexities, the realisation of the approach has, for one customer, contributed c.£2m of saving per annum with a payback in about 2 years.

We at csi10, thought that this approach was so important that we have yet to fully explore the possibilities….. but thought you should know about it…..

For more information and to do your own review, call us on 07712 663598.

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