Thursday 6 May 2010

SAP STAR Number 25: Dudley Beagle

Dudley has a unique blend of talents which are of immense value to many in the world of SAP.

Dudley’s expertise in the area of Lean Management Solutions, where he took the Toyota principles of Lean Production and applied them to many different production and management situations, has been complimented with the building of several regional businesses focused on providing SAP customers with Enterprise Learning Solutions. Treble digit revenue growth seems to be his forte.

A complete business-builder, Dudley has grown a global network of clients, practitioners, partners and employees of SAP that would enable any company to excel. Dudley is currently looking for his next opportunity and would like to speak to anyone who thinks they could provide an opportunity for him to build.

Contact me and I will put you in touch with Dudley……

Call me on 07712 663598.

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