Friday 8 May 2009

SAP Innovation Newsletter 21: Introduction

There is much evidence to support the fact that one of the most essential factors in any business transformation is Change Management (CM): you will never get a prize for a great CM but believe me you will be noticed if the CM is poor. So here, we introduce complete CM and a real expert practitioner who can help you get it right.
It would appear that the only growing budget in IT is for Security; is that the same for you? Finally, can you build a SAP roadmap - then contact us.

Innovation Number 21: Not all change is good or effective!

One of the most fundamentally under-rated functions in business transformations, whether SAP insipired or not, is the Change Management function. This function must be present in ALL programmes that will effect the daily operations of even the smallest amount of people; however it is also responsible for ensuring that the programme is supported by the correct level of the executive and that the business change necessary is not just verbally supported by is actively demonstrated by those who are in charge.

A unique combination of 'tools', consulting and coaching has been created by Shirlaws Business Coaching to ensure that the approach and processes of Change Management are not just an integral part of any transformation programme (SAP inspired or not), but due to the unique coaching approach, you become a company whose internal resources can expertly ensure all programmes complete successfully.

Contact me for more details....

SAP Star Number 21 : Phil Summerfield

Phil Summerfield has 30 years of Business-led IT-Change experience, MRP/ERP/EAM and ran IBM’s SAP Consulting Group, E&Y/CapGemini’s SAP Practice and PA Consulting Group’s ERP practice. “I’ve now realised what was always missing on the Change Management side” says Phil who is now driving this using Business Coaching with specialist ‘Tools’ focussed on, for example, Responsibility, Functionality and Positioning.....

Phil now works with Shirlaws Business Coaching which is all about Commercial PLUS Cultural changes to improve business success. “Experience shows that if you concentrate only on the Commercial side then people’s behaviour prevents sustainable change – we’ve all seen this too often. Our approach can be applied to the whole company, to focused problem areas and to programmes such as SAP. The Coaching approach means complete Skills Transfer so you can rerun the process when your business changes without paying again.”

I will happily put you in touch.
tel: 07712 663598

SIN21: Saving on security - is it worth it!!

As IT budgets are coming under even more pressure with more reductions being reported it seems there is one area of spend in the IT budget that is bucking the trend.
CIO's are being faced with rising levels of threat, not just from malware but also potentially from dis-gruntled employees who have lost their jobs.
In fact it would appear that with the advent of pressure on jobs the internal threat is being consider as larger threat as the external variety.... a recent survey of 950 people who left their job, 60% admitted to taking away business data when they left their company.
This is also complicated by the need for mobile computing, working from home and making more services gloabally available which must be balanced with the level of security.
So if you are not focusing a little more heavily on security maybe you should.

SIN21: csi10 Wanted : SAP Architect for roadmap review!

If you have helped a large blue-chip company prepare a five-year SAP roadmap, then maybe you could help one of our clients.

The existing roadmap was created some 3 years ago and needs some major revisions. The company have achieved some extraordinary transformations in their global business, but that is just the start, they now have a multi-dimensional expansion to consider; geographic expansion by a factor of 3, functional expansion, significant business growth, to mention but a few.......

Have you got the experience to help this client who is challenging the boundaries of what is possible in SAP?

If you are up for the challenge call me:

tel: 07712 663598

SAP Innovation Newsletter 20: Introduction

As the pressure continues on IT budgets; we continue our focus on finding small investments that can provide a disproportionately large return by looking at an 'SAP Value Analysis' approach. We also build on the last newsletter and introduce you to someone who can help you realise your 'SAP on Handheld' aspirations.
We take a look at a report that says you have it easy if you work in IT and finally if you are (or you know of) an SAP project manager, we have a real challenge for you!

Innovation Number 20: Small SAP changes give BIG value return!

Reduced revenues; Higher operating costs; Cost of funding?
Whatever business pressures you are experiencing at present, SAP customers have benefited from a series of what would appear on the surface to be minimal changes that have had significant, traceable impact on profitability and return on capital employed.
Building value analysis and impact maps has enabled customers to isolate the key areas for focus and enables several smallish SAP changes to cumulatively provide a significant impact.
One customer showed an increase in revenue, decrease in costs and improved working capital by instigating a value focus on DSO; this lead to simple SAP changes including reviewing and enhancing the SAP pricing model, improving SAP query management of sales activities and providing EDI connection to clients.
The Value Check approach provided by Lodestone MC provides you with the ability to quickly and effectively determine the value chains; identify the crucial factors and build mini-projects that add significant and lasting value to your business in weeks.
When fast ROI on projects is essential this new approach brings real, provable business value.
Contact me for more details....

SAP Star Number 20 : Paul Viney

Paul spent many a year at SAP providing excellent consulting, product management and training (Partner Academy) services and then helping build a world class support function gaining IS9002 accreditation.

Four years as operations manager for the SAP UK channel team led him to his first entrepreneurial venture providing the SAP VAR community and SAP SMB customers with a resource pool of expertise to help them balance their ever fluctuation resource needs with a supply of expertise.

Recognising the need to extend SAP to where business is transacted he now advises on and implements solutions allowing SAP transactions to be carried out on handheld devices, barcode readers and mobile phones. (You can see the last newsletter article on this at our BLOGSPOT)

So if you are looking to exploit your investment in SAP by putting the power of the solution into the hands of your users, then Paul is the best person to speak to…..

I will happily put you in touch.

tel: 07712 663598

SIN20: You're in IT - you have got it easy!!

A recent report has determined that "IT Workers have least stressful jobs going!".
I am not sure I recognise this as many of the people I deal with, both senior and junior, seem to be completely maxxed out and stressed beyond belief.
The report however does highlight that it is the 'computer systems analyst' who only has actuaries and dieticians to beat to get the easiest job on the planet.......
The list goes:-
The least stressful jobs1. Actuary 2. Dietician3. Computer systems analyst4. Statistician5. Astronomer6. Mathematician7. Historian8. Software engineer

I don't see CIO or SAP consultant on here so I am not sure where you stand.
See more here

csi10 Wanted : Senior SAP Project Manager needed!

We have been contacted to see if we can help find a senior, SAP-experienced, contract, project manager who has several large implementations under their belt.

You will have experience of working with the big SI's and being client-side; ensuring that the partner is providing reasonable and realistic solutions to the issues on the table; you must therefore be able to demonstrate a history of working with the big 4.
Initially you will be asked to review the project to date and then assess the forward looking plans as created by the partner.
You will be working with the experienced project director and CIO; however they have no/little SAP background, so you will be the definitive reference.

If you are up for the challenge call me:

tel: 07712 663598