Friday 8 May 2009

Innovation Number 21: Not all change is good or effective!

One of the most fundamentally under-rated functions in business transformations, whether SAP insipired or not, is the Change Management function. This function must be present in ALL programmes that will effect the daily operations of even the smallest amount of people; however it is also responsible for ensuring that the programme is supported by the correct level of the executive and that the business change necessary is not just verbally supported by is actively demonstrated by those who are in charge.

A unique combination of 'tools', consulting and coaching has been created by Shirlaws Business Coaching to ensure that the approach and processes of Change Management are not just an integral part of any transformation programme (SAP inspired or not), but due to the unique coaching approach, you become a company whose internal resources can expertly ensure all programmes complete successfully.

Contact me for more details....

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