Friday 8 May 2009

SIN21: Saving on security - is it worth it!!

As IT budgets are coming under even more pressure with more reductions being reported it seems there is one area of spend in the IT budget that is bucking the trend.
CIO's are being faced with rising levels of threat, not just from malware but also potentially from dis-gruntled employees who have lost their jobs.
In fact it would appear that with the advent of pressure on jobs the internal threat is being consider as larger threat as the external variety.... a recent survey of 950 people who left their job, 60% admitted to taking away business data when they left their company.
This is also complicated by the need for mobile computing, working from home and making more services gloabally available which must be balanced with the level of security.
So if you are not focusing a little more heavily on security maybe you should.

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