Friday 8 May 2009

Innovation Number 20: Small SAP changes give BIG value return!

Reduced revenues; Higher operating costs; Cost of funding?
Whatever business pressures you are experiencing at present, SAP customers have benefited from a series of what would appear on the surface to be minimal changes that have had significant, traceable impact on profitability and return on capital employed.
Building value analysis and impact maps has enabled customers to isolate the key areas for focus and enables several smallish SAP changes to cumulatively provide a significant impact.
One customer showed an increase in revenue, decrease in costs and improved working capital by instigating a value focus on DSO; this lead to simple SAP changes including reviewing and enhancing the SAP pricing model, improving SAP query management of sales activities and providing EDI connection to clients.
The Value Check approach provided by Lodestone MC provides you with the ability to quickly and effectively determine the value chains; identify the crucial factors and build mini-projects that add significant and lasting value to your business in weeks.
When fast ROI on projects is essential this new approach brings real, provable business value.
Contact me for more details....

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