Saturday 15 August 2009

Innovation Number 22: Outsourced Learning.

Outsourced Learning.
Outsourcing portions of the IT function of companies is well established and is enabling a reduction in ongoing costs to operate. With the right mix of onshore-offshore to ensure perfect communication, the benefits can be massive, reducing overall costs and allowing the IT department to improve efficiency and productivity gains.
Outsourcing of your IT focused learning to a specialist organisation has proven to be very rewarding, with serious increases in the perception of IT within the business, better and faster on-take of new systems whilst reducing the overall costs especially in the continual need for new starter and reinforcement education..
The use of a blended learning approach, EPSS (Electronic Performance Support System), libraries of previous materials and focused expertise not only reduces the initial learning costs but also the learning maintenance costs which are often missed until it becomes time to update old learning materials.
For more about IT Outsourced Learning (ITOL) please call me on 07712 663598 or reply to this email with ITOL in the subject line and I will arrange a session with the experts.

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