Saturday 15 August 2009

SAP Star Number 23 : Robin Pearce

Let me introduce.....
Robin Pearce

Robin has been around SAP about a long as I have (20 years) and he has experienced it from very many angles (Customer, User Group Chairman, Implementation Consultant, Service Provider, VAR, Training Provider, etc.).
I initially met Robin as the UK Programme Manager for the very audacious, pan European, big-bang implementation at Lansing Linde. After playing a key role in making this a success in the UK, France and Germany, and being one of very few experienced SAP implementers in the UK, he left Linde to spread his experience around via Fast Track Consulting, which for 10 years provided high quality SAP implementation services across Europe. He sold Fast Track in 2004, and after a sabbatical, rejoined the SAP community helping several companies explore and set up SAP portal divisions and VAR practices. Most latterly he is using his considerable contacts and wide-spread talents to help SAP service providers win new business in an increasingly difficult marketplace. So if you are looking for expertise in building your SAP business, then I will gladly introduce you to Robin.
Call us on:-

tel: 07712 663598

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