Saturday 15 August 2009

Innovation Number 24: Business byDesign PLUS

Business ByDesign PLUS.

Latest reports by Forrester have stated that SAP’s Business ByDesign is not really taking off as they expected. Fundamental flaws in their operating model seems to have caused issues of scalability of the product and even bigger issues of profitability for SAP of current clients.
Current estimates from SAP say that they will have the issues ironed out by 2010……
It would also appear that even if you wanted to become a Business-by-Design customer, they may not accept you, especially if you only want part of the solution and not the full suite.
csi10 have recently unearthed a radical new approach to improving small and medium sized companies performance by a well considered combination of Benchmarking, Balanced Score Card and ‘Boston’ Radar. Although still in its infancy the approach could take a medium sized company through a radical, incredibly fast transformation utilising Business ByDesign as the core catalyst to vastly improved business outcomes. We will be keeping an eye on these developments and let you know, but if you would like to know more then call me on ……
tel: 07712 663598 .

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