Saturday 15 August 2009

Innovation Number 23: Improve YOUR own value

Improve YOUR own value.

The demand for IT executives is falling (reported by Experteer this week) and the business demand for added-value from reduced IT spending is increasing. This combination means that you have to continually prove the value you are adding…..

Surely, now is the time to join the 40% of Senior IT Executives (as reported by a Harvey Nash Survey) expanding their investment in innovative solutions to add significant business value?
csi10 have not only been working tirelessly to help you identify innovative high-return investments (see previous newsletters) but can also help you win the business case by networking you with successful implementers of these innovations.

We also provide a full coaching service to maximise the real and perceived value of your ‘wins’ adding to the overall perception that your IT dept. is adding continuous and appreciated business value.
To see how you can bolster the executives’ perception of the value you add and expand their support, contact me on…….

tel: 07712 663598

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