Thursday 20 November 2008

SAP Innovation Newsletter 14: Introduction

The planning of SAP is best considered across the whole lifecycle of the enterprise solution, and we consider the options for improving the Total Cost of ownership.
We also introduce someone who has their finger on the pulse of SAP, because as a AMR analyst - that's his job!
And as SAP talk about the challenge with the numbers the city are interested in, we share a few more SAP numbers with you. Finally, if you know of a really great value add solution - then help others to know about it.

Innovation Number 14: SAP Lifecycle Cost....

SAP Lifecycle Cost....

The ever increasing Total cost of operating SAP, if not already on your agenda, will soon be as budgeting comes round again.
According to AMR, only 20% of the lifetime cost is implementing SAP, the rest is in managing out the concealed benefits and reducing the overall cost of operation, once it is in.
The recent increases in SAP support costs adds to the lifetime costs (reports still abound about how customers are having difficulty understanding the SAP standpoint that it will save costs long-term!).
So what can you do in the short-term to ensure the board knows you are managing out as much cost as possible and providing excellent value.
Show SAP License Management Excellence – recent figures show that savings of 30%+ can be made when you utilise the latest independent SAP License Software.
Win an SAP Quality Award – through independent analysis show that you have a best in class SAP system.
Reduce your SAP Maintenance Bill – by eliminating resources spent on managing unnecessary bespoke elements. Benchmark figures show that more 20% of support costs are on non-utilised functionality, both standard and non-standard.
Improve SAP Business Process Flows – through standard analysis, prevent costly work-arounds and ‘broken’ processes that don’t comply with the standard SAP business process flows, costing human effort, time and expense.
To avail yourself of these SAP savers just email me.

SAP Star Number 14 : Derek Prior

Let me introduce.....
Derek Prior

Derek carries a lot of influence over the SAP market place, not just in the UK but globally. As one of a select few SAP analysts for AMR Research, Derek has used his masses of experience gathered helping HP become one of the dominant SAP partners through the 1990’s to ensure that his research notes are a must read for anyone serious about amassing real value from their SAP investments.

He assesses the impact of many of the major moves that SAP instigate and is a voice for many SAP customers through his incisive research and publications, which include customer Centres Of Excellence, “Terabyte Club” Operations Challenges, Solution Manager benefits, Environmental Footprint,
I recommend you sign-up to his regular updates especially as his focus at present is on SOA and Enterprise Architecture for SAP customers. His most recent research will be published very soon…. Analysing how best to sell to your board the business value from your overall SAP program. This should help SAP CIO’s counter the imminent ‘big squeeze’ that’s coming our way!
So let me know if you are interested in connecting with Derek and I will make the connection.

tel: 07712 663598

SIN14: Some Interesting SAP Numbers

Some Interesting SAP Numbers

SAP Basis facts: //as of Jan-Jun 2008
96.400+ installation of SAP software
75.000+ companies run SAP
51.602 SAP employees:
Average age: 37
Percentage of employee over 50: 5%
Average length of company affiliation: 5.3 years
Attrition rate: 1.8%
Percentage of women: 30%
12 million users in 120+ countries
1.600+ Partners
10.000 developers within SAP company
10 international SAP Labs (Development Sites)

SIN14: csi10 Wanted : Share your Value Add Solution

csi10 are looking to expand their current stable of SAP Value Add solutions.
If you think that you have, have used, been shown or experienced a solution that adds significant value to either the implementation of, or running of, SAP, then we would be very interested in helping other customer realise the increased levels of value.

We are especially interested in any solutions that
provide additional GRC capabilities, accelerators or value.......
help customers realise the SOA potential of SAP

So, if you know of a real value add solution, help us to help spread the word.

tel: 07795 668450

SAP Innovation Newsletter 13: Introduction

I am not quite sure how number 13 came to be published on Halloween but stranger things have happened. As more projects and IT investments are postponed and slowed every CIO should be looking for every way to help the business through these turbulent times.... €500per SAP user should help. No introduction this time but it is substituted with something I hope you will find just as compelling...... a magnificent boost for IT from Unilever. And finally, maybe you know a purchasing expert tat could help one of our clients........ Happy Halloween!

Innovation Number 13 : SAVE upto €500 per SAP USER per ANNUM

SAVE upto €500 per SAP USER per ANNUM

In this climate it is essential that senior IT management find opportunities to improve the value recognition of their department. This can take many forms but in this climate nothing is a strong as offering to reduce your budget requirements next year.
To enable you to offer this budget reduction, not many opportunities present themselves that can make such a significant impact on the operational costs as WestTrax KPIScan.
Within weeks other clients have been able to find more than 20% (year on year) savings on their operational costs, which in some cases is as much as €1.1m savings per annum on a 2,500 users system.
In fact, savings range from between €250-€500 Per USER per ANNUM.
So do the maths……
How much savings will you present at your next board meeting?
Can you afford not to ask for more info on this potential ……?

SAP Star Number 13 : Unilever Success!

Let me introduce.....
Unilever Success!

Unilever seems to have bucked the trend in reporting major success and 7.4% increase in sales in the first 9 months. What is really impressive is that the CEO - Patrick Cescau credited his SAP implementation which has allowed better allocation of resources, faster decision-making and a lower cost levels allowing £millions in new sales. The SAP roll-out in Unilever is now 80% complete with the rest planned to be complete by Jan 2009.
Congratulations are due to the CIO Neil Cameron, not necessarily for his delivery of a great value-add solution but more for his ability to ensure the business has seen the value added by the IT. So, not that I know the gentleman, but I my deepest respect goes to Neil Cameron for his ability to bring IT onto the global business agenda in such a positive way.
Remember the csi10 CIO coaching approach hopes to enable you to replicate such a success. For more about the coaching programme.

tel: 07712 663598

SIN12: So..... Trick or Treat?

According to several sources Halloween originates from a Celtic festival to celebrate the end of the harvest season. The festival was a time to take stock of supplies and slaughter livestock.
Well taking stock seems to be the order of the day in all businesses not least in the IT departments and slaughtering stock seems to be happening in all stock exchanges world wide.
So what TRICK can you use to TREAT your board to a better IT future….. see the compelling options on

SIN13: csi10 Wanted : Purchasing expertise...

csi10 have been asked to help find a purchasing expert.
We are looking for a person who can review the current purchsaing practices of a whole organisation, plan and execute a centralisation plan, improve the business processes, and make 15-20% savings into the bargain.
This is a contract role in the south of England until the middle fo next year.
Contract to permanent is an option and permanent applicants will be considered.
SO if you know how best to buy..... get in contact with Terrie (the resource specialist)

tel: 07795 668450

SAP Innovation Newsletter 12: Introduction

The SAP solution-set continues to get bigger, wider, deeper through continual development and more recently acquisitions..... we present the answer on how to keep abreast and plan accordingly. The great reveiw service is the brain child of a long-term very senior ex-SAP UK CTO, Simon Harrison who is the featured as the introducee....
Over the last few months csi10 have been asked for more and more help resourcing specific SAP talents and experts, maybe you need someone or would like to offer your services. Finally if you are a BI expert and like skiing, read on!

Innovation Number 12 : Time for a Roadmap review!

Time for a Roadmap review!

The SAP Update, Review, Roadmap and Deployment study has been designed for long-term SAP customers who have deployed an SAP-based ERP system, typically SAP R/3 4.7 Enterprise or 4.6c or below. Many of SAP’s customers, who implemented their SAP R/3 systems a number of years ago, are now trying to determine their most appropriate, low risk and cost-effective roadmap for the future.

The study will explain SAP’s latest developments and put them into a context that is meaningful to you and your organisation. The study can also be used as a high-level refresh and training exercise on all elements of SAP including SAP ERP, SAP NetWeaver, SAP Business All-in-One, SAP’s new Business ByDesign and Duet (the joint SAP – Microsoft product) and of course covers the impact of SAP’s recent acquisition of Business Objects and previously OutlookSoft and Pilot Software as well as the latest developments with SAP’s ‘Business Process Platform’ and the introduction of Enterprise Support.

The primary objective of the SAP Update, Review, Roadmap and Deployment study is to help you make higher value, reduced risk and lower cost decisions for your SAP-based deployment. The study will also help you understand the latest positioning of and announcements from SAP and what they mean to your organisation.

SAP Star Number 12; Simon Harrison!

Let me introduce.....
Simon Harrison!

Simon joined SAP UK in 1994 and quickly became one of its leading consultants before going on to various management roles across the business culminating in the role of SAP UK’s Chief Technology Officer where he led the early stages of the SAP R/3 to SAP ERP upgrade cycle and the introduction of SAP NetWeaver and SAP’s Enterprise SOA.
Simon left SAP two years ago and he now runs his own SAP focused advisory firm, Kew Consulting, providing independent and impartial advice to organisations running SAP-based deployments with a major emphasis on reducing risk and cutting costs. Whilst he naturally focuses on SAP, his advice now extends to covering the other major software vendors including Oracle, Microsoft, NetSuite,, Sage, Infor and IBM.
Simon is one of the UK’s top independent SAP experts, he uses his expertise and experience to produce insightful reviews and roadmaps for established and new SAP customers. These reviews and roadmaps help these organisations to evaluate and make better informed decisions on areas such as business process coverage, upgrading to SAP ERP, using SAP SAPNetWeaver, the impact of SAP’s acquisition of Business Objects and the recent introduction of Enterprise Support. Simon is proud of his one hundred per cent positive feedback from these rapid high-impact exercises.
To contact Simon, call us on
tel: 07712 663598

SIN12: Too many requests to ignore.

Last newsletter postulated an imminent (if not already here) shortage of SAP talent. This has been highlighted over the last few months by many of our customers and contacts asking for our assistance to help locate specific SAP talent (see opposite). csi10 partner Terrie Creswell has therefore started to manage these 'cry's for help!' and has been building a truly awesome database of some of the real SAP talent in the UK market place.
If you are struggling to find ANY specific SAP resources, we either know where to find them, or 'know and man who does'.
Get in touch with Terrie straight away at or
tel: 07795 668450

SIN12: csi10 Wanted : URGENT BI Permanent people...

csi10 have been asked for urgent help to find full-time SAP BI people who would like to work in Switzerland.
Specifiaclly SAP BI IP & SAP BPC Planning consultants! Requirements: § Designs and develops technical and functional planning and forecasting solutions § Providing guidance on OutlookSoft functionality (or SAP BPS BI-IP) § Designing and developing reports and input schedules § Developing custom interfaces. § Development of financial planning/forecasting models § Collection and aggregation of plan/forecast data § Evaluation of plan/forecast results § Reporting and presentation of annual plans and forecasts to both senior level financial and operational management...

If it fits call us on......

tel: 07712 663598

SAP Innovation Newsletter 11: Introduction

To say we live in interesting times is probably a major understatement and the world of SAP seems to be full of contradictions, profit warnings and skills shortages....
I am also very please to introduce someone who was one of the first ever SAP UK customers and whose talents and experience extend far beyond just SAP.....
And where do you think the SAP UK consulting market will end up, will it be just a few mega-SAP providers, or will the small guys grow to fill an ever widening gap?

Innovation Number 11: SAP credit crunch = retain SAP staff!

SAP credit crunch = retain SAP staff!

After what must have been a very hard quarter, SAP's Kagermann issues a profits warning.... where SAP do not believe they can make the expectations for their third quarter.
Another announcement coming from the US that originated in the SAP board room says there is a massive (50%+) increase in the pay that SAP consultants can expect (especially manufacturing consultants!). This is due to a very apparent and expanding skills gap.
So what is this apparently conflicting information telling us?
I have seen many companies here in the UK put off 'unnecessary' or dubious return projects and as such there surely should be a flood of released SAP consultants on the market place. So why the apparent conflict in these 2 announcements?
According to SAP market observers it is all to do with the apparent success of SAP expansion into the mid-market and their capture of the SOA market (Netweaver sales) – which according to reliable sources accounts for the second highest revenue income for SAP UK after ERP sales.
So if you employ SAP resources, then the current evidence suggests that you should try yout hardest to keep hold of them.......

SAP Star Number 11: Mike Suiter!

Let me introduce.....
Mike Suiter!

Scottish & Newcastle were the first SAP UK client buying R/2 licenses and then converting to R/3, Mike has acquired over 20years of SAP credentials to add to his already impressive CV which additionally boasts S&N Group effectiveness program board, S&N Group Information Systems Leadership and S&N Group IS Stream leader member of Heineken acquisition program office. Regular mergers, acquisitions and divestments through the brewing sector has meant this individual has helped build a structured by not rigid approach, to value-add from IT. Regular value-based reviews has brought synergies from current systems and award winning portfolio management process to ensure IT investment is always aligned, generates true business value and is efficiently implemented. Mike has been instrumental in making S&N a well oiled business utilising IT to enhance business value. If you have a major change program (SAP or otherwise) about to start or in fact underway and you wish to gain from Mike's extensive experience in this field then I would happily put you in touch with him.

tel: 07712 663598

SIN11: BIG guys and small guys.

Over the last few months I have been talking to a wide range of SAP service companies and it would appear that the mid-sized SAP practice is going to become a thing of the past.....
The smaller SAP practices are re-trenching and hanging onto their current customers for dear life, whilst the big guys are planning to expand their SAP service, quite considerably in some cases, with a big view on acquisition.
AND don't forget that there are still lots of Indian companies who have piles of cash looking to balance the down-turn in the US by expanding more into Europe. Where will it all end?
How do you see the SAP market in 3 years time....... let me know!

SIN11: csi10 Wanted : Netweaver and Knowledge Management...

csi10 are searching for an existing SAP customer who has utilised the power of SAP Netweaver to implement a Knowledge Management solution across a multinational organsiation.
The objective is to remove the geopgraphic and functional barriers to communication and increase collaboration.
If you have achieved such a feat and would be prepared to share your approach and outcomes with a fellow SAP customer, would you please contact me.

tel: 07712 663598

SAP Innovation Newsletter 10: Introduction

So this is the last week you have to see any cycling pictures, but the team and I completed the Sea to Sea ride across the Lake District and Pennines to Newcastle and Tynemouth.... an awesome ride and I recommend it.
This week we review virtualisation, something everyone should consider in the ongoing battle to save costs and we identify how to reduce support costs and improve user happiness. And, if you are a niche SAP consultancy, you should read on........
Finally, one last chance to sponsor my ride:

Innovation Number 10: Virtualisation - is it for you!

Virtualisation - is it for you!

I saw a very impressive demonstration of the power of virtualisation. The demonstration I saw was at a VMWare / Attenda presentation that showed how users on a live SAP system could be swapped from one system that was struggling at the upper limits of its power, to a larger more powerful system. This happened over a period of 2 minutes when all users and associated processes were transferred from one system to another.
This was part of an outsourced service provided to a customer, the customer did not notice the transition and the users were totally unaware of the transition unless it was a slight increase in response time. If you have not seen the power of visualization and how it can improve the robustness of the service you supply to your business, it is about time you did...... give me a shout and I will give you contact details.

SAP Star Number 10: Christian Blumhoff!

Let me introduce.....
Christian Blumhoff!

Christian started his SAP career in the mid nineties and has been expanding his knowledge fast. He is now the key go to person for SAP Netweaver in the UK and has encourage and cajoled the proliferation of Netweaver to be the second moist popular SAP investment area in the UK (outstripping CRM!!).
Christian is one of those rare individuals that bridges the gap between technology and the boardroom; so if you are considering using SAP for solving process integration issues, taking advantage of Service Orientation or tackling your Enterprise Information nightmares, you could do no better than talking with Christian. For contact details, just ask…….

tel: 07712 663598

SIN10: Happy Users are the key to SAP.

You could have the best implementation of SAP in the world, the project could have been perfect, the design spot-on, the configuration first-class, the technology the best..... however, if you have not trained the users correctly and support them well, you have a very expensive white elephant.....
Supporting your users with an Electronic Performance Support Solution (EPSS) ensures that your users have all the help they need at their finger-tips, reducing help-desk requirements and improving productivity.... if you want more about EPSS contact me.

SIN10: csi10 Wanted : Niche consultancies.

csi10 is looking for small niche SAP consultancies who are looking to grow their business in association with other like minded souls.
If you are part of a focused small SAP consultancy then get in touch we may be able to make you an offer you cannot refuse in realising the true value of the business that you have built.
This is a genuine offer that you really should explore so please contact me.. what can you lose?.

tel: 07712 663598

Friday 14 November 2008

SAP Innovation Newsletter 09: Introduction

This week, I have taken the liberty of introducing ME because I know a lot of you but there are some who recieve this that I have yet to meet. So forgive my endulgence.
I also wanted to give you a positive action with respect to the increase in SAP Maintenance that may make your life easier .....
If, like many of my clients, you are tackling the issue of Data Security Strategies, I thought I would offer to network you to other poeple who are in the same boat..... And Finally, next week there won't be a newsletter as I will have just finished my C2C Cycle Ride: See

Innovation Number 09: SAP Maintenance Increase - do something!

SAP Maintenance Increase - do something!

The furor around the increase in SAP maintenance continues and SAP UK continue get more and more pressure. One SAP client asked "Why has this change come as a complete surprise? and how will my organisation benefit from the change?", indicating the lack of good communication coming from SAP.
However, I have found it very interesting that SAP customers seem to want to complain but there has been no wholesale, coordinated movement to find ways to balance out the inevitable extra charges.
There is a complete and thorough SAP analysis that helps find immediate and ongoing savings that could easily equate to the maintenance increase but only a few enlightened souls have been inspired to find the savings elsewhere.
So to make it easier, just answer the seven questions below and return them to me and I will return to you the estimate of your potential savings.....

SAP Star Number 09: Me!

Let me introduce.....

I have realised that this newsletter goes out to many people I have yet to meet, so let me introduce myself!
I joined SAP UK in the late 80's and after managing the SAP implementations projects for a few of the initial customers, I was asked to take charge of all post-sales operations including Consulting, Training and Support.
Through the next few years, I helped grow SAP UK from 20 to 700 people when I moved to SAP US to help re-focus the America's education business.
I now run csi10 which helps CIO's and IT professionals find value-add complimentary SAP solutions and specialist expert SAP resources, as well as helping you network with people who have already been through what you are planning with your SAP......
So, if you are looking for ways to improve your SAP network, extract more value from your SAP system or need specialist resource just ask....
See my LinkedIn

SIN09: 7 Questions to SAP Savings!

... continued from above.

1 What Industry are you in? 2 Are you involved in any other industry? 3 What is your SAP release? 4 How many concurrent users have you? 5 What is the age of your current SAP? 6 How many bespoke programmes have you (estimate acceptable)? 7 What is the internal cost per diem of your support personnel (Euro’s)?

Answer these simple questions in a reply to this email newsletter to get your rapid SAP savings estimate.

SIN09: csi10 Wanted : Data Security Networkers.

We are looking for more practitioners and experienced people around the key topic of Data Security.
As the public instances of crucial data loss continue to hit the headlines there is a growing and more urgent need to design and implement an organisational-wide data strategy.
If you are considering, planning, preparing, implementing or have successfully implemented a full, organisation-wide data strategy get in touch and I will network you with others who are at different stages along this very important path.

tel: 07712 663598

SAP Innovation Newsletter 08: Introduction

Finding more IT Investment budget could just have been made a whole lot easier by recovering lost profit.... but you may wish to use the extra monies you find to fund that SAP upgrade; if so you must talk to MIKE first!
As the SAP market tightens, you, as a specialist SAP consultancy, may be looking for investment or to merge; if so we can help.
And finally, dont forget to do your charitable bit at

See my LinkedIn profile

Innovation Number 08 : Your Lost Treasure - PROFIT!

Your Lost Treasure - PROFIT!

Now I have seen some good business cases in my time in the SAP world, but having introduced 2 of the companies with which csi10 do business, there is a new offering that could help anyone having to put a business case to the board, in these increasingly difficult times.
Based on a PROFIT RECOVERY approach, the service uses advanced data mining techniques and traditional accountancy skills, to hunt down overpaid items in your accounts payable. The companies ‘No Recovery – No Fee’ shows just how much they believe in their abilities and processes and means you don’t even have to justify the cost.
Imagine then, going to the board and presenting a business case that is funded out of recovered profit…… could you lose?
I have a solution flyer that gives you all you need to know……. I am happy to send it to you, so contact me.

SAP Star Number 08: Mike Longden

Let me introduce.....
Mike Longden

Mike has recently returned to the SAP fold from an extended period leading the professional service capabilities at companies such as Ariba and Cyclone Commerce and most latterly was the EMEA Corporate Business System Director at Shire Pharmaceuticals, so Mike knows the supplier and the customer perspective.
Mike now brings his broad experience and business acumen to SAP customers considering upgrading at both the strategic and practical level.

So if you are planning an upgrade, Mike brings the commercial and business experience to the table and if you need practical help Mike has been there and can help you avoid the dead-ends and pitfalls so many have found to their cost; both fiscally and to their own reputation.
I would be happy to put you in touch, so drop me a line.

tel: 07712 663598

SIN08: Business-by-Design??

Has anyone really brought into this model for ERP?
After the initial announcement all I have heard about is delays in delivery, beta-test companies giving the software back and big questions about the profitability of the model; not for SaaS but for ERP SaaS.
Larry Ellison has even said that the whole SaaS approach will collapse in the next 2 years because it won't make money!
SAP have committed to keep developing business-by-design and working on the key issue of scalability, but who is right?
Will SAP make it pay or will Ellison gloat over the collapse of SaaS….. we’ll just have to wait and see.

SIN08: csi10 Wanted : Niches

csi10 are always on the look out for more niche and specialist services to take to our ever expanding CIO and senior IT network.
We constantly evaluate these companies solutions with reference to what our network is buying.
If you are, or know of, an individual or company that provides excellent service or products, then please let us know.
If you are a specialist or niche company with SAP offerings we would love to help you to leverage business in our CIO network.
Just contact us.....

tel: 07712 663598

SAP Innovation Newsletter 07: Introduction

The increase in SAP Maintenance is causing a few ruffled CIO feathers, YOU may be able to tell your board that you have managed to offset this with efficiency savings ......
An expert on how to partner with SAP is one of many eclectic talents of our introducee this time.
And does your network work for you or is it dormant and in need of waking up?
The NEW PHOTO should become clear as you read the bottom right article.......
See my LinkedIn profile

Innovation Number 07: Offset the SAP Maintenance Increase!

Offset the SAP Maintenance Increase!

I have been talking to several CIO's and they are NOT HAPPY about the increase in SAP maintenance costs…..
They are yet to be persuaded that the increase in service level warrants such an increase in the cost……. And some are thinking further…. the SAP maintenance increase could prompt a set of copy-cat increases from other suppliers.
Now I am not sure there is a lot you can do to stop the SAP increase but you may be able to offset the extra cost to your, already hard-pressed budget……..
If you think about the whole cost of supporting SAP here is a quick ready-reckoner that shows you a simple way to save support costs, maybe even more than the SAP maintenance increase…… then you can say to your board “…… I have managed to off-set the 5% SAP maintenance increase by efficiency increases in our support processes”.
This is more likely if you are in the Manufacturing, Energy, Telco, Finance or Chemicals industries and less likely if you are Government.
Try this free quick-calculator and see if you can save more than your 5% maintenance increase.
If you want to know more then contact me!

SAP Star Number 07: Terrie Creswell

Let me introduce.....
Terrie Creswell

Terrie works with me at csi10 but has a very colourful past which includes dancing and modelling, property development, law and theatre and of course IT and SAP.
Having acted on the London Paladium stage, Terrie continues her theatrical interests through providing wardrobe services to amateur and professional productions.
In her 10 years at SAP UK, Terrie was instrumental in the creation of one of the first local SAP support units, developed the ‘follow-the-sun’ support function, wrote the CCC manual, project managed the initial SAP UK Customer contact centre, then went on to manage the partner programme and radically increase the partner alignment and strategy functions.
Utilising her many SAP partner contacts and broad managerial expertise, Terrie runs projects within csi10 that regularly delivers new name business to our clients.
Terrie would love to talk to you about any SAP support or partner-related challenges you may have, as well as any business development campaigns you are considering.

Contact her directly on 07795 668450.

tel: 07712 663598

SIN07: Networking.


How much networking do you do?
Do you see it as an intergral part of your role to assess what others are doing, planning ro just thinking about?
Do you use it to bounce ideas off of others and validate innovations you plan to apply?

I have been working with a few senior IT people to help them make the most of their current networks and extend it into new areas. This is generally done around an innovation, extension or organisational change to their existing IT infrastructure where they want to garner the opinion of others who have done it before.
Referencing other companies who have succeeded is a great way of validating your ideas in the board room.
So if you have an IT investment or significant change that you would like to discuss with someone who has already gone through the process, drop me a line and I may know someone who can help you.

SIN07: csi10 Wanted : Sponsorship!

csi10 Wanted : Sponsorship!
This is a bit more personal than usual....
My uncle is undergoing an new treatment for prostate cancer which is happily working very well. Prostate cancer is being diagnosed at the rate of 3 men per hour in the UK.
The new treatment, as always, is funded by sponsorships and donations......

So, with a few good friends, I am planning to cycle across the UK to raise some funds. I will be donating to The Prostate Project and would appreciate a small donation which you can do very easily now by going to

For more information on The Prostate Project go to

SAP Newsletter Number 06: Introduction

Supporting your end-users is given little thought before go-live and generally costs 5 times as much to rectify the issues after...... could an EPSS provide the answer?
Is DHS the missing link between SAP technology and the business; see the SAP Star No. 06.
And.... what would you do with a £1million?
See my LinkedIn profile

Innovation Number 06 : EPSS - You want and need one!

EPSS - You want and need one!

As you implemented SAP, you undoubtedly created process maps, collected and documented policies guiding usage, built training and simulations for users, designed complimentary help aids, FAQ's etc etc.
Now where are they?
Collecting, integrating and making all this available as online help is what an EPSS does. From SAP screen field by field help to transaction simulations linked to business process maps to functional area maps connected to policy and governance documents – EPSS surrounds the user with 90% of the help they could possibly need, leading to as much as 60% reduction in the user calls to help desk.
csi10 can provide experts to design, deliver and if necessary manage your EPSS solution.
Reduce your help desk resources and costs whilst improving user performance.... look into an EPSS now!

SAP Star Number 06: Dave Hughes-Solomon

Let me introduce.....
Dave Hughes-Solomon

Dave is larger than life, physically and SAP-wise.
When at SAP UK, Dave earned his way to become the CTO, which, in one of the worlds leading technology companies, proves a serious commitment to not just technical ability but business acumen as well.
Since leaving SAP, Dave has been responsible for helping build the SAP presence in Attenda who provide an ‘Always on Managed Service’.
Dave has a very rare ability to combine deep technical knowledge with an acute level of business understanding and a very keen ability to communicate the key issues at the highest level. I thoroughly recommend that you connect with Dave if you are considering any significant business investment with regard to SAP……. He will be able to provide an insight and perspective so rare in the technocratic world of SAP.
Let me know and I will connect you.

tel: 07712 663598

SIN07: Three Word CIO.

Three Word CIO.

What three words bet describe a CIO?
As found on Aug 4th LinkedIn.....

"Courageous, Innovative, Reliable

Courageous because often CIOs will have to be the change agents that their CEOs/COOs want them to be while not benefiting from their support when the legacy machine rears it ugly head.
Innovative, because as technology takes over almost every aspect of our lifes, innovation is a prerequisite to survival and commercial success.
Reliable, because no system regardless of its excellence is worth its salt unless it can be counted on to be available 24/7.

It is an extremely rewarding yet unbelievable ingrate position."

What three words would you use to describe a CIO?

SIN06: csi10 Wanted : Your fantasy business!

csi10 Wanted : Your fantasy business!
You have just been given £1million with which you have to start a business in the SAP world.....
What would you focus your business on?
SAP's mid-market SaaS product business-by-design ?
Build a Netweaver consultancy?
Find an SAP extension solution for mobile, easy reporting, data management ?
Build a SAP security or BI pratice?
An SAP education busness at the executive level?
Is there still a gap in the SAP world that needs filling? Where is it and could it support a fully fledged business?
Let me know and your ideas could lead to a reality.....

tel: 07712 663598

SAP Innovation Newsletter 05: Introduction

Dave Frewin is your introducee today; his background in GSK has given him a comprehensive view of the good, the bad and the ugly of SAP.... you really should add him to your contact list!
Reducing your SAP roll-out costs by 30% is the value offer and should be reviewed..... and what do you believe is the SAP CIO's next big challenge ....could it be 'how green is your SAP?"
See my LinkedIn profile

Innovation Number 05 : Rapid SAP deployment.

Rapid SAP deployment.
Implementation of SAP in blue-chip enterprises requires a disciplined team who has depth of knowledge of your business and of the SAP areas that you are to configure.
So implementing SAP needs Depth.
Rolling out your SAP template on the other hand needs resources with a breadth of knowledge who can rapidly assess the target departments requirements, fit to your template, quickly build new process or functionality, push to go-live whilst generating support from the business unit senior management.
Rolling Out SAP needs Breadth.
Rapid Deployment Services specialisation has been introduced by one of our clients to help large companies reduce the cost of roll-out by up to 30%. Utilising resources that have years of experience in applying SAP templates to mid-sized companies means this unique community has the breadth of SAP knowledge and focus to rapidly apply templates.
The major savings…… the resources used to operating in this market are 30% less expensive than their counterparts.
So to save 30% on your next SAP roll-out contact me at:

SAP Star Number 05: Dave Frewin

Let me introduce.....
Dave Frewin

If you want to get to know someone who possesses intimate experience of one of the biggest SAP landscapes in the world, you should meet Dave Frewin.
Being involved from the beginning, Dave has seen GSK’s SAP usage from initiation to running the system across 41 manufacturing and commercial units, utilising 5 different templates. Continually involved in finding and implementing improvements across this enormous SAP footprint in SAP and system support as well as process improvement initiatives, Dave can help any SAP customer extract more SAP value.
Dave is currently looking for a new challenge and would be a major asset for any SAP customer looking to improve their SAP performance or grow their SAP footprint.

Call me and I will put you in touch with Dave who is really happy to discuss your situation....

tel: 07712 663598

SIN05: Best answer to Green IT.

To answer the question "What key questions should a CIO be able to answer prior to formulating a green strategy?"
Brian Murray: Technology Strategist says
"CIO's need to look at three levels:
(1) how can we become more sustainable operationally ... ie. improve current practices, reduce power consumption, reduce waste, improve/analyse supply chain etc. (2) how can we change what we do/architect strategically ... ie. look at SaaS, virtualised infrastructures, thin provisioning, thin clients, data centre design, etc. (3) how can IT help the business as a whole be more sustainable ... i.e. look at remote working, mobility, client independanct, end-user specific application delivery, utilise RFID in the supply chain, etc. "
Is he correct? What is your view? Let me know!

SIN05: csi10 Wanted : Your View!

As always, csi10 is very keen to help every senior IT manager / executive involved in SAP to extract maximium value by providing acess to the latest thinking and solutions.
So in your opinion, what do you believe is the biggest issue for a SAP CIO today;
Is it security and protection of systems?, Is it governance and data mangement?;
Is it building better relationships with the business?;
Is it proving the value IT adds to the business?;
Is it the provision of business intelligence?

What is your view, what do you believe CIO's should be focussed on today?
Let me know.....

tel: 07712 663598

SAP Newsletter Number 04: Introduction

SAP Utilities is the main focus for our next SAP star and a simple but very effective way of making your SAP system easier to use for everyone means lower training fees and reduced support fees; can you afford not to look at it. And can you help a colleague by sharing your IT Service Catalogue experience!

See my LinkedIn profile

Innovation Number 04: KISS - Keep It Simple SAP.

KISS - Keep It Simple SAP.

Your SAP system lives and dies by how well your user can use it. Keeping it simple is not one of SAP greatest talents; with customer 'hostile' screens and too many of them, many of your users make simple errors which, if left uncorrected can cause massive problems.
Simplifying your user interface is very simple using GUIXT, a license you may already have.
csi10 have found that several days of practical, hands-on education on GUIXT can mask native SAP complexity and eradicate a large percentage of users errors.
User productivity has been shown to increase significantly when using GUIXT; why not ask us for more details on how to employ this simple toolset to improve your user’s love affair with SAP......

SAP Star Number 04: Jim Horsley

Let me introduce.....
Jim Horsley

In my eyes, Jim is Mr. SAP Utilities, he has worked on Water Companies and Energy producers and suppliers and has an extensive knowledge of the business drivers and culture within utilities. Whilst not limited to utilities (banks and retail also feature) Jim has been responsible for SAP Finance, back-office outsourcing, BW and EIS, Customer Self-Service portals and reviewing SAP ISU success in the UK's largest energy utility.
His ability to bring strategic advice as well as practical programme support means value is added at all levels of any large scale business transformation. If you want to connect with Jim, let me know and I will put you in touch.

tel: 07712 663598

SIN04: Do Chemistry and IT mix?

Being a bit of a chemist (yes I know!!)..... I thought this was excellent; take a look at the Internet Periodic Table giving an innovative graphical representation of the most used Internet sites; probably a bit out of date, but great fun.

Try UNCLUTTERER.COM which shows you how to keep your garage clean and organised..... useful Ehhhh!

SIN04: csi10 Wanted : Service Catalogues

I have been challenged by one of my senior IT contacts to find someone he can chat to about the standards involved in creating a 'Service Catalogue'...... he is looking for practical advice on what you have actually put in place to enable your business to better understand what your IT department delivers and how to measure success. Please contact me if you can help my colleague.

tel: 07712 663598

SAP Newsletter Number 3: Introduction

Your third SAP Innovation Newsletter is focussing on SAP bespoke code..... you will have more than your think.....
Introduces a Senior IT person who actually delivers real IT value to his organisation; not just another consultant.
You may also help me by agreeing to be interviewed about the Big Squeeze..... do you think it's coming?
See my LinkedIn profile

Innovation Number 03: Custom Code: Expensive and Treacherous

Custom Code: Expensive and Treacherous
How much custom code do you have?
32% on average*
How much of that is unused?
38% on average*
How much does that mean you could save per annum ?
<500>500 users c.1,000K Euro
A small SAP system running UK functions only has just removed 400 customer programmes saving an estimated £424K per annum. A large global SAP customer wishes they had removed their custom-code programmes because an unauthorised user inadvertently ran a custom-code programme which generated 8000 bogus orders in the live system. All had to be removed manually.
KPIScan, tells you exactly where you are custom-code-wise and saves you £100K's in to the bargain. Call now for the fastest way to a more secure a cost-efficient SAP system.
*industry figures available

SAP Star Number 03: Paul Ettridge

Let me introduce.....
Paul Ettridge

Paul is a great IT Director;
He knows his technology, from ERP to local systems and manufacturing systems to telephone systems;
He knows his team and how to get the best from them;
He is working on improving his relationship with the business to ensure they value the service and innovation that is being delivered.
He has run IT systems on a global scale and most recently has segregated a divested business unit's SAP systems from its parent in a matter of a few months, with no hitches and no business interruption.
His main challenge at present is how to engage better with the business especially at the strategy level.
If you want to learn from Paul's experience or could help with his latest challenge please get in touch and I will connect you.

tel: 07712 663598

SIN03: Who would you recommend?

Have you experienced excellent service from a small niche IT supplier that you believe deserves to be more successful....... if so just drop me a line and csi10 will review them; offer them help to expand their business and maybe add to this newsletter. SO.... refer someone you think really deserves more recognition.....
and you may soon see them on ......

SIN 03: csi10 Wanted : YOU!

As we all watch the economy on its roller-coaster ride, there is a lot of talk about a near-future squeeze being felt at both a personal and corporate level. So how will the closeness of YOUR relationship with your board / senior-executives effect how you fare over the next year or so. If you would be prepared to join in some research on this point, let me know...... I will put you in touch with a professional analyst.

tel: 07712 663598

SAP Newsletter Number 2: Introduction

Here is your second SAP Innovation Newsletter.
I had a few bits of feedback on the initial newsletter, several of which wanted to know more about the SAP License review; if you have any ideas or feedback, I would love to hear it.

See my LinkedIn profile

Innovation Number 02: Mobilise Your SAP - FAST

Mobilise Your SAP - FAST
When you need to capture lots of information efficiently, there is no better way than to put the ability to update SAP directly in the hands of your users.
However, it is important that you take a good look at the options when you decide to go mobile.
You should consider how much added maintenance you are taking on when you take SAP to handhelds..... you should be looking for something that is written in native SAP, that you can support with your existing support team, that will work with many different types of mobile device to reduce your initial outlay.
If you wish to review the lightest, fastest way of mobilising SAP, for purchasing, sales, warehouse control, plant maintenance, then get in touch; csi10 have been working with the UK's most effective SAP mobilisation company.

SAP Star Number 02: Dave Trower

Let me introduce.....
Dave Trower
Dave Trower is an expert Programme Manager and one of the UK's leading PPM (Project Portfolio Management) masters.
Currently engaged in a global brewer he has most recently provided a phenomenal solution to help the organisation define, cost, manage and report on the outcome of all their IT projects. Starting in the UK IT, the solution soon encompassed all the IT projects across the globe; it was then expanded to help marketing and eventually employed very successfully in the production department. The PPM solution won a global prize from the vendor. Now Dave is looking into how to merge SAP systems.
If you want ultimate control of your project portfolio, or an excellent Programme Director Dave is worth connecting with. Let me know and I will connect you.

tel: 07712 663598

SIN02: What's yours?

We are constantly looking for SAP innovations that add significant value to implementing, running or supporting your SAP system. If you have come across a winning solution or service, let us know as we really want to share this through the SAP world.

You can see some of the innovations we have assessed on:-

SIN02: csi10: Wanted

As highlighted last week, security continues to be a real hot topic around our network. If you are an SAP security expert or know of a good SAP Security company, then we would like to talk to you as there are plenty in our network who are looking for assistance to secure their SAP.

tel: 07712 663598

SAP Newsletter Number 1: Introduction

Jeremy White here and welcome to the first in a continuing stream of SAP Innovation Newsletters that I hope you will find, not just interesting, but valuable. I will provide a simple overview of the SAP innovations reviewed by csi10, that add exceptional value to SAP customers. I will also introduce you to some SAP Stars; the real movers and shakers in the SAP world.

Innovation Number 01: Save on SAP License Fees

Save on SAP License Fees
Yesterday, SAP announced that ALL customers can expect to pay 22% maintenance on their SAP license. A yearly 5% increase on your cost-of-ownership of SAP.
There goes that innovation project you budgeted for next year!
.........Well maybe Not!
SmartSLAM (SAP License Asset Management) has been created and practised by ex-SAP sales guys who, in the age-old poacher-turned-gamekeeper style, know exactly how to engineer the best deal with SAP, sort and long term.
To make the most of your SAP license and potentially negate the 5% increase in maintenance fee; ask me for our SmartSLAM Solution Description which shows how to sweat your SAP license.

SAP Star Number 01: Ray Barratt

Let me introduce.....
Ray Barratt
Ray is a huge guy; big in stature, big in generosity, big in knowledge about SAP, big in helping you get what you want/need from your SAP platform. Having been with SAP UK for more than 17.5 years, Ray now runs the SAP practice for Steria (used to be Xansa).
Ray is a great guy and is renown for helping customers not only choose SAP but sponsor them throughout their software asset adoption. Ray has helped dozens of customers to commit to, and make the most from a progressive SAP adoption strategy.
Now that SAP has supported the commoditisation of Business Software, Ray continues to leverage a customers’ SAP investment by driving further positive disruption. Want to get to know Ray?
Find him on LinkedIn, or I am more than happy to introduce you…..

tel: 07712 663598

SIN01: csi10 - Constant SAP Innovation

csi10 are on a continual mission to find innovative solutions to address our SAP customers issues. If you have, or have used a service or a solution that adds significant advantage to SAP customers, then get in touch, we would love to share it around.

You can see some of the innovations csi10 have assessed at:-

SIN01: csi10 - WANTED

csi10 are currently looking for experienced companies / individuals who have delivered a complete corporate wide data management strategy for large organisations. Given the high profile press about recent serious data mis-management issues, some of our clients are planning to ensure they do not hit the headlines next.
If you have delivered this to your organisation, or know someone who has, please get in touch.

tel: 07712 663598