Friday 14 November 2008

Innovation Number 06 : EPSS - You want and need one!

EPSS - You want and need one!

As you implemented SAP, you undoubtedly created process maps, collected and documented policies guiding usage, built training and simulations for users, designed complimentary help aids, FAQ's etc etc.
Now where are they?
Collecting, integrating and making all this available as online help is what an EPSS does. From SAP screen field by field help to transaction simulations linked to business process maps to functional area maps connected to policy and governance documents – EPSS surrounds the user with 90% of the help they could possibly need, leading to as much as 60% reduction in the user calls to help desk.
csi10 can provide experts to design, deliver and if necessary manage your EPSS solution.
Reduce your help desk resources and costs whilst improving user performance.... look into an EPSS now!

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