Friday 14 November 2008

Innovation Number 09: SAP Maintenance Increase - do something!

SAP Maintenance Increase - do something!

The furor around the increase in SAP maintenance continues and SAP UK continue get more and more pressure. One SAP client asked "Why has this change come as a complete surprise? and how will my organisation benefit from the change?", indicating the lack of good communication coming from SAP.
However, I have found it very interesting that SAP customers seem to want to complain but there has been no wholesale, coordinated movement to find ways to balance out the inevitable extra charges.
There is a complete and thorough SAP analysis that helps find immediate and ongoing savings that could easily equate to the maintenance increase but only a few enlightened souls have been inspired to find the savings elsewhere.
So to make it easier, just answer the seven questions below and return them to me and I will return to you the estimate of your potential savings.....

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