Friday 14 November 2008

Innovation Number 08 : Your Lost Treasure - PROFIT!

Your Lost Treasure - PROFIT!

Now I have seen some good business cases in my time in the SAP world, but having introduced 2 of the companies with which csi10 do business, there is a new offering that could help anyone having to put a business case to the board, in these increasingly difficult times.
Based on a PROFIT RECOVERY approach, the service uses advanced data mining techniques and traditional accountancy skills, to hunt down overpaid items in your accounts payable. The companies ‘No Recovery – No Fee’ shows just how much they believe in their abilities and processes and means you don’t even have to justify the cost.
Imagine then, going to the board and presenting a business case that is funded out of recovered profit…… could you lose?
I have a solution flyer that gives you all you need to know……. I am happy to send it to you, so contact me.

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