Friday 14 November 2008

Innovation Number 02: Mobilise Your SAP - FAST

Mobilise Your SAP - FAST
When you need to capture lots of information efficiently, there is no better way than to put the ability to update SAP directly in the hands of your users.
However, it is important that you take a good look at the options when you decide to go mobile.
You should consider how much added maintenance you are taking on when you take SAP to handhelds..... you should be looking for something that is written in native SAP, that you can support with your existing support team, that will work with many different types of mobile device to reduce your initial outlay.
If you wish to review the lightest, fastest way of mobilising SAP, for purchasing, sales, warehouse control, plant maintenance, then get in touch; csi10 have been working with the UK's most effective SAP mobilisation company.

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