Thursday 20 November 2008

Innovation Number 11: SAP credit crunch = retain SAP staff!

SAP credit crunch = retain SAP staff!

After what must have been a very hard quarter, SAP's Kagermann issues a profits warning.... where SAP do not believe they can make the expectations for their third quarter.
Another announcement coming from the US that originated in the SAP board room says there is a massive (50%+) increase in the pay that SAP consultants can expect (especially manufacturing consultants!). This is due to a very apparent and expanding skills gap.
So what is this apparently conflicting information telling us?
I have seen many companies here in the UK put off 'unnecessary' or dubious return projects and as such there surely should be a flood of released SAP consultants on the market place. So why the apparent conflict in these 2 announcements?
According to SAP market observers it is all to do with the apparent success of SAP expansion into the mid-market and their capture of the SOA market (Netweaver sales) – which according to reliable sources accounts for the second highest revenue income for SAP UK after ERP sales.
So if you employ SAP resources, then the current evidence suggests that you should try yout hardest to keep hold of them.......

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