Thursday 20 November 2008

SAP Star Number 13 : Unilever Success!

Let me introduce.....
Unilever Success!

Unilever seems to have bucked the trend in reporting major success and 7.4% increase in sales in the first 9 months. What is really impressive is that the CEO - Patrick Cescau credited his SAP implementation which has allowed better allocation of resources, faster decision-making and a lower cost levels allowing £millions in new sales. The SAP roll-out in Unilever is now 80% complete with the rest planned to be complete by Jan 2009.
Congratulations are due to the CIO Neil Cameron, not necessarily for his delivery of a great value-add solution but more for his ability to ensure the business has seen the value added by the IT. So, not that I know the gentleman, but I my deepest respect goes to Neil Cameron for his ability to bring IT onto the global business agenda in such a positive way.
Remember the csi10 CIO coaching approach hopes to enable you to replicate such a success. For more about the coaching programme.

tel: 07712 663598

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