Friday 14 November 2008

Innovation Number 05 : Rapid SAP deployment.

Rapid SAP deployment.
Implementation of SAP in blue-chip enterprises requires a disciplined team who has depth of knowledge of your business and of the SAP areas that you are to configure.
So implementing SAP needs Depth.
Rolling out your SAP template on the other hand needs resources with a breadth of knowledge who can rapidly assess the target departments requirements, fit to your template, quickly build new process or functionality, push to go-live whilst generating support from the business unit senior management.
Rolling Out SAP needs Breadth.
Rapid Deployment Services specialisation has been introduced by one of our clients to help large companies reduce the cost of roll-out by up to 30%. Utilising resources that have years of experience in applying SAP templates to mid-sized companies means this unique community has the breadth of SAP knowledge and focus to rapidly apply templates.
The major savings…… the resources used to operating in this market are 30% less expensive than their counterparts.
So to save 30% on your next SAP roll-out contact me at:

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