Friday 14 November 2008

Innovation Number 04: KISS - Keep It Simple SAP.

KISS - Keep It Simple SAP.

Your SAP system lives and dies by how well your user can use it. Keeping it simple is not one of SAP greatest talents; with customer 'hostile' screens and too many of them, many of your users make simple errors which, if left uncorrected can cause massive problems.
Simplifying your user interface is very simple using GUIXT, a license you may already have.
csi10 have found that several days of practical, hands-on education on GUIXT can mask native SAP complexity and eradicate a large percentage of users errors.
User productivity has been shown to increase significantly when using GUIXT; why not ask us for more details on how to employ this simple toolset to improve your user’s love affair with SAP......

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