Friday 14 November 2008

Innovation Number 07: Offset the SAP Maintenance Increase!

Offset the SAP Maintenance Increase!

I have been talking to several CIO's and they are NOT HAPPY about the increase in SAP maintenance costs…..
They are yet to be persuaded that the increase in service level warrants such an increase in the cost……. And some are thinking further…. the SAP maintenance increase could prompt a set of copy-cat increases from other suppliers.
Now I am not sure there is a lot you can do to stop the SAP increase but you may be able to offset the extra cost to your, already hard-pressed budget……..
If you think about the whole cost of supporting SAP here is a quick ready-reckoner that shows you a simple way to save support costs, maybe even more than the SAP maintenance increase…… then you can say to your board “…… I have managed to off-set the 5% SAP maintenance increase by efficiency increases in our support processes”.
This is more likely if you are in the Manufacturing, Energy, Telco, Finance or Chemicals industries and less likely if you are Government.
Try this free quick-calculator and see if you can save more than your 5% maintenance increase.
If you want to know more then contact me!

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