Saturday 15 August 2009

SAP Innovation Newsletter 24: Introduction

For a long time (as long as I can remember), SAP have been trying to crack the mid-market; Business-by-Design was to be it’s world-shattering SaaS solution.
To say it has not lived up to its billing is a little of an understatement, but there may be a new business transformation approach that gives it a much better chance of success.
Thomas G, is a senior executive who can not only help build robust IT strategies but can also plan their execution to perfection…. Someone you should meet!
Can you help us locate a few senior people who our customers are desperate to find? And finally, take a look at the ‘reverse eBay’ launched last week.

Innovation Number 24: Business byDesign PLUS

Business ByDesign PLUS.

Latest reports by Forrester have stated that SAP’s Business ByDesign is not really taking off as they expected. Fundamental flaws in their operating model seems to have caused issues of scalability of the product and even bigger issues of profitability for SAP of current clients.
Current estimates from SAP say that they will have the issues ironed out by 2010……
It would also appear that even if you wanted to become a Business-by-Design customer, they may not accept you, especially if you only want part of the solution and not the full suite.
csi10 have recently unearthed a radical new approach to improving small and medium sized companies performance by a well considered combination of Benchmarking, Balanced Score Card and ‘Boston’ Radar. Although still in its infancy the approach could take a medium sized company through a radical, incredibly fast transformation utilising Business ByDesign as the core catalyst to vastly improved business outcomes. We will be keeping an eye on these developments and let you know, but if you would like to know more then call me on ……
tel: 07712 663598 .

SAP STAR Number 24: Thomas Gageik

Let me introduce
Thomas Gageik

Thomas is a very experienced IT executive who drives performance across geographic, functional and cultural boundaries.
Thomas spend the last few years helping a Global Brewer drive TCO and ROI from a huge SAP investment as well as transforming the IT Function supporting a changed business strategy. With recent experience in sourcing strategies, Project Portfolio Management, strategic outsourcing, Enterprise Applications Team management, Thomas is someone who can help you with most of the present day strategic drivers of IT.
A highly articulate and clear thinking German, Thomas brings the best of his multi-cultural background to help set clear direction and deliver excellence from any start-point, no matter how confused.
I would highly recommend Thomas to anyone who needs to produce clarity and strategic certainty from an IT department in a very uncertain marketplace.
Call me and I will put you in touch……

Call me on 07712 663598.

SIN24: What are you Prepared-2-Pay?

Take a look at the latest in online commerce……. A reverse eBay…
Prepared2pay is a site where you take control, identify what you need and set the price that you are willing to pay.
It is effectively the consumer version of a auction portal site.

Allowing you to identify anything from business services to cutting your lawn, it is worth a quick look…….follow the link below.

If you wanted to know more or even discuss the technology, then I will galdly introduce you to the author and owner; Jon Barrett.
Call Jeremy on 07712 663598

SIN24: csi10 Wanted : SAP EA and HR

Non-SAP Enterprise Architect
We are interested in talking to any Enterprise Architect who has helped companies review their complete current and future architecture but who does not have a predominantly SAP background….

HR Programme Manager
We are currently looking for a very experienced HR programme Manager to help with a very large HR SAP implementation. If you have several implementations under your belt with large blue chip organisations then please contact us ASAP…
For more information please send an email to

SAP Innovation Newsletter 23: Introduction

Doing a good job is not always enough, it is ever more important in these difficult times to ensure you are clear on the business value you are adding and that others clearly value your 'wins'. csi10 services helps you claim your 'wins'.
Robin Pearce is a long term SAP player with many hats, he can help providers, suppliers and SAP customers win in the SAP marketplace. The Top 10 survival tips compiled from those doing well in these challenging times, gives some food for thought and finally let us know if you know of a fast ROI, value-add solution or service that others could benefit from.

Innovation Number 23: Improve YOUR own value

Improve YOUR own value.

The demand for IT executives is falling (reported by Experteer this week) and the business demand for added-value from reduced IT spending is increasing. This combination means that you have to continually prove the value you are adding…..

Surely, now is the time to join the 40% of Senior IT Executives (as reported by a Harvey Nash Survey) expanding their investment in innovative solutions to add significant business value?
csi10 have not only been working tirelessly to help you identify innovative high-return investments (see previous newsletters) but can also help you win the business case by networking you with successful implementers of these innovations.

We also provide a full coaching service to maximise the real and perceived value of your ‘wins’ adding to the overall perception that your IT dept. is adding continuous and appreciated business value.
To see how you can bolster the executives’ perception of the value you add and expand their support, contact me on…….

tel: 07712 663598

SAP Star Number 23 : Robin Pearce

Let me introduce.....
Robin Pearce

Robin has been around SAP about a long as I have (20 years) and he has experienced it from very many angles (Customer, User Group Chairman, Implementation Consultant, Service Provider, VAR, Training Provider, etc.).
I initially met Robin as the UK Programme Manager for the very audacious, pan European, big-bang implementation at Lansing Linde. After playing a key role in making this a success in the UK, France and Germany, and being one of very few experienced SAP implementers in the UK, he left Linde to spread his experience around via Fast Track Consulting, which for 10 years provided high quality SAP implementation services across Europe. He sold Fast Track in 2004, and after a sabbatical, rejoined the SAP community helping several companies explore and set up SAP portal divisions and VAR practices. Most latterly he is using his considerable contacts and wide-spread talents to help SAP service providers win new business in an increasingly difficult marketplace. So if you are looking for expertise in building your SAP business, then I will gladly introduce you to Robin.
Call us on:-

tel: 07712 663598

SIN23: 10 point survival plan!

10 point survival plan!

From a recent SAVVIS paper…..

A 10 point guide from IT leaders whose companies are doing well in the recession.

1. Modify your business plan and mange the expectations of your shareholders
2. Avoid major cost-cutting exercises without first asking ‘What does IT enable?’
3. Control operating expenditures and overall cash outlay
4. Maintain the focus on IT as a Strategic enabler
5. Focus on delivering competitive advantage and innovation
6. Drive efficiencies; replace infrastructure with service
7. Consider all innovative approaches from trusted vendors
8. Look for Specialist Service Providers for operational outsource
9. Consolidate the number of IT suppliers
10. Don’t take you eye off the long term

SIN23: csi10 Wanted : Fast ROI, value-add innovations!

csi10 is looking to add more value add solutions and services to its portfolio.

Blue Chip IT departments
If you are in a blue chip company that uses SAP and you have recently used a service or solution that you believe others should be aware of, could use and would bring significant benefit to their organisation, then please let us know.

Providers to SAP customers
If you have a new innovation that brings fast ROI and significant impact to IT departments, planning, implementing, supporting, servicing, upgrading SAP then please get in touch and we will help your solution / service find more buyers.

The csi10 goal is to make sure that real value innovations get the widest possible audience and help SAP IT departments continue to add real business value.

Please call me on the number below.

tel: 07712 663598

SAP Innovation Newsletter 22: Introduction

We have been away for a short time but we are back now with some new innovations and a new set of SAP experts that you should get to know.
Significant improvements in delivery, efficiency and resource management can be made using ITOL, read on.
Pip Plah is an SAP technology expert who you really should connect with no matter what your are trying to achieve, he can certainly help you.
Find out how to offset your SAP maintenance increase and finally, can you build a SAP COE?
Remember, you can find past newsletters at the SAP Innovations Blog.

Innovation Number 22: Outsourced Learning.

Outsourced Learning.
Outsourcing portions of the IT function of companies is well established and is enabling a reduction in ongoing costs to operate. With the right mix of onshore-offshore to ensure perfect communication, the benefits can be massive, reducing overall costs and allowing the IT department to improve efficiency and productivity gains.
Outsourcing of your IT focused learning to a specialist organisation has proven to be very rewarding, with serious increases in the perception of IT within the business, better and faster on-take of new systems whilst reducing the overall costs especially in the continual need for new starter and reinforcement education..
The use of a blended learning approach, EPSS (Electronic Performance Support System), libraries of previous materials and focused expertise not only reduces the initial learning costs but also the learning maintenance costs which are often missed until it becomes time to update old learning materials.
For more about IT Outsourced Learning (ITOL) please call me on 07712 663598 or reply to this email with ITOL in the subject line and I will arrange a session with the experts.

SAP Star Number 22 : Pip Plah

SAP Star Number 22
Let me introduce.....
Pip Plah

Pip has been in the SAP industry for over 16 years – more than 8 of those with SAP UK performing roles like Technology Practice Manager, Solution Architect and Head of Technology.
Now running his own company (Duplex Solutions Ltd), Pip remains one of the most experienced and well respected SAP technologists in the UK.
If you are considering implementing, installing, upgrading, migrating or evaluating any SAP NetWeaver component, ECC or SAP solution then Pip (& DUPLEX Solutions) can add real value in ensuring your technology layer will be designed and built to provide an excellent, efficient and cost effective platform.
If you could use their expertise give me a shout, I will happily put you in touch.

If you need expert SAP resource or permanent senior IT personnel, the new csi10 Talentgrid is designed for you.
Call us on:-

tel: 07712 663598

SIN22: SAP Maintenance Increase - NEWS!!

Due to extraordinary pressure and much needed cooperation between SAP Users Groups, SAP has agreed to commute the forced maintenance increase to be more of a performance based increase.
Measurements which are essential to SAP being able to increase maintenance include the areas of business continuity, business process improvement, protection of investment and total cost of operations. SAP will publish the measures.
This shows what excellent collaboration can achieve and all respect is due to Alan Bowling and his colleagues in the SAP User Group Executive Network.

If you have not joined the SAP User Group, then maybe now is a good time.

SIN22: csi10 Wanted : SAP COE expert!

Have you helped a blue chip company build a Centre of Excellence?
We are looking to help a client build a global centre of excellence to support their ever expanding SAP footprint.

You must have built a complete SAP support unit on a global basis for a large corporation and have shown that it can work.
Winning the CCC certification from SAP would be an advantage but is not absolutely necessary as long as you can identify and prove the business benefits metrics that were achieved.

If you are up for the challenge call me:

tel: 07712 663598

Friday 8 May 2009

SAP Innovation Newsletter 21: Introduction

There is much evidence to support the fact that one of the most essential factors in any business transformation is Change Management (CM): you will never get a prize for a great CM but believe me you will be noticed if the CM is poor. So here, we introduce complete CM and a real expert practitioner who can help you get it right.
It would appear that the only growing budget in IT is for Security; is that the same for you? Finally, can you build a SAP roadmap - then contact us.

Innovation Number 21: Not all change is good or effective!

One of the most fundamentally under-rated functions in business transformations, whether SAP insipired or not, is the Change Management function. This function must be present in ALL programmes that will effect the daily operations of even the smallest amount of people; however it is also responsible for ensuring that the programme is supported by the correct level of the executive and that the business change necessary is not just verbally supported by is actively demonstrated by those who are in charge.

A unique combination of 'tools', consulting and coaching has been created by Shirlaws Business Coaching to ensure that the approach and processes of Change Management are not just an integral part of any transformation programme (SAP inspired or not), but due to the unique coaching approach, you become a company whose internal resources can expertly ensure all programmes complete successfully.

Contact me for more details....

SAP Star Number 21 : Phil Summerfield

Phil Summerfield has 30 years of Business-led IT-Change experience, MRP/ERP/EAM and ran IBM’s SAP Consulting Group, E&Y/CapGemini’s SAP Practice and PA Consulting Group’s ERP practice. “I’ve now realised what was always missing on the Change Management side” says Phil who is now driving this using Business Coaching with specialist ‘Tools’ focussed on, for example, Responsibility, Functionality and Positioning.....

Phil now works with Shirlaws Business Coaching which is all about Commercial PLUS Cultural changes to improve business success. “Experience shows that if you concentrate only on the Commercial side then people’s behaviour prevents sustainable change – we’ve all seen this too often. Our approach can be applied to the whole company, to focused problem areas and to programmes such as SAP. The Coaching approach means complete Skills Transfer so you can rerun the process when your business changes without paying again.”

I will happily put you in touch.
tel: 07712 663598

SIN21: Saving on security - is it worth it!!

As IT budgets are coming under even more pressure with more reductions being reported it seems there is one area of spend in the IT budget that is bucking the trend.
CIO's are being faced with rising levels of threat, not just from malware but also potentially from dis-gruntled employees who have lost their jobs.
In fact it would appear that with the advent of pressure on jobs the internal threat is being consider as larger threat as the external variety.... a recent survey of 950 people who left their job, 60% admitted to taking away business data when they left their company.
This is also complicated by the need for mobile computing, working from home and making more services gloabally available which must be balanced with the level of security.
So if you are not focusing a little more heavily on security maybe you should.

SIN21: csi10 Wanted : SAP Architect for roadmap review!

If you have helped a large blue-chip company prepare a five-year SAP roadmap, then maybe you could help one of our clients.

The existing roadmap was created some 3 years ago and needs some major revisions. The company have achieved some extraordinary transformations in their global business, but that is just the start, they now have a multi-dimensional expansion to consider; geographic expansion by a factor of 3, functional expansion, significant business growth, to mention but a few.......

Have you got the experience to help this client who is challenging the boundaries of what is possible in SAP?

If you are up for the challenge call me:

tel: 07712 663598

SAP Innovation Newsletter 20: Introduction

As the pressure continues on IT budgets; we continue our focus on finding small investments that can provide a disproportionately large return by looking at an 'SAP Value Analysis' approach. We also build on the last newsletter and introduce you to someone who can help you realise your 'SAP on Handheld' aspirations.
We take a look at a report that says you have it easy if you work in IT and finally if you are (or you know of) an SAP project manager, we have a real challenge for you!

Innovation Number 20: Small SAP changes give BIG value return!

Reduced revenues; Higher operating costs; Cost of funding?
Whatever business pressures you are experiencing at present, SAP customers have benefited from a series of what would appear on the surface to be minimal changes that have had significant, traceable impact on profitability and return on capital employed.
Building value analysis and impact maps has enabled customers to isolate the key areas for focus and enables several smallish SAP changes to cumulatively provide a significant impact.
One customer showed an increase in revenue, decrease in costs and improved working capital by instigating a value focus on DSO; this lead to simple SAP changes including reviewing and enhancing the SAP pricing model, improving SAP query management of sales activities and providing EDI connection to clients.
The Value Check approach provided by Lodestone MC provides you with the ability to quickly and effectively determine the value chains; identify the crucial factors and build mini-projects that add significant and lasting value to your business in weeks.
When fast ROI on projects is essential this new approach brings real, provable business value.
Contact me for more details....

SAP Star Number 20 : Paul Viney

Paul spent many a year at SAP providing excellent consulting, product management and training (Partner Academy) services and then helping build a world class support function gaining IS9002 accreditation.

Four years as operations manager for the SAP UK channel team led him to his first entrepreneurial venture providing the SAP VAR community and SAP SMB customers with a resource pool of expertise to help them balance their ever fluctuation resource needs with a supply of expertise.

Recognising the need to extend SAP to where business is transacted he now advises on and implements solutions allowing SAP transactions to be carried out on handheld devices, barcode readers and mobile phones. (You can see the last newsletter article on this at our BLOGSPOT)

So if you are looking to exploit your investment in SAP by putting the power of the solution into the hands of your users, then Paul is the best person to speak to…..

I will happily put you in touch.

tel: 07712 663598

SIN20: You're in IT - you have got it easy!!

A recent report has determined that "IT Workers have least stressful jobs going!".
I am not sure I recognise this as many of the people I deal with, both senior and junior, seem to be completely maxxed out and stressed beyond belief.
The report however does highlight that it is the 'computer systems analyst' who only has actuaries and dieticians to beat to get the easiest job on the planet.......
The list goes:-
The least stressful jobs1. Actuary 2. Dietician3. Computer systems analyst4. Statistician5. Astronomer6. Mathematician7. Historian8. Software engineer

I don't see CIO or SAP consultant on here so I am not sure where you stand.
See more here

csi10 Wanted : Senior SAP Project Manager needed!

We have been contacted to see if we can help find a senior, SAP-experienced, contract, project manager who has several large implementations under their belt.

You will have experience of working with the big SI's and being client-side; ensuring that the partner is providing reasonable and realistic solutions to the issues on the table; you must therefore be able to demonstrate a history of working with the big 4.
Initially you will be asked to review the project to date and then assess the forward looking plans as created by the partner.
You will be working with the experienced project director and CIO; however they have no/little SAP background, so you will be the definitive reference.

If you are up for the challenge call me:

tel: 07712 663598

Thursday 19 February 2009

SAP Innovation Newsletter 19: Introduction

The sea-change in IT spending has started to become apparent, with more and more companies preferring small, fast investment projects to the large transition programmes of yesterday. csi10 offers the first of many low cost, highly visible, high return innovations that will help any CIO prove significant added value; fast!.
We also introduce a real leader in the field Change Management and Education, whilst we ask if you want to join a really successful FTSE100 company to help define their Change Management function. Lastly; if you really want to secure your future, you may wish to consider a career in Information Security; the latest IT talent shortage!

Innovation Number 19: High Return; Less than 1 year ROI

Low cost; High return; Less than 1 year ROI.

In these 'interesting times' in which we find ourselves, large scale IT investment is becoming rarer and there is a growing trend to make smaller investments which make big returns within 12 months.
It is also imperative that these projects help raise the profile if the IT department as a valued and valuable organisation.
There is one simple innovation that ticks all these boxes if you are using SAP finance; Remote Purchase Order Management.
Giving your executive (and other senior management) the ability to manage purchase orders on their mobile device (phone, blackberry or PDA) can prove to be a magnificent multiplier in terms of IT department profile.
With no extra hardware or increase in SAP licenses, the investment is relatively small but the impact of engaging your senior management is immense.
IQlink provides you with the complete solution, fast (a leading food company had their executives using their mobiles to authorise Purchase Orders in just 4 weeks).
To raise IT's profile and demonstrate high-value return for minimal investment, ask me for more information....

SAP Star Number 19 : John McGann

Let me introduce.....
John McGann

John enables change in large organisations; his ability to identify, formulate and execute change and training programmes in large transition and ERP implementation programmes is awesome.
Having been involved in more than 20 such programmes, John knows how to assess the culture and then determines the best mix of change processes to ensure that the business reaps the value they have planned to derive. He has also been acknowledged by colleagues as having a thorough knowledge of international learning strategies. Having programme managed technical implementations he fully understands the challenges of change from both the business and technical perspective.
Currently engaged in rolling out the full education programme for a SAP ERP programme for 30,000 end users, John is definitely someone who you need to speak to if you are planning a change that will effect many business users.
As a long term colleague and a good friend, I have no problem in recommending John to ANY one wanting to ensure the business can derive the benefits of a serious change programme.

tel: 07712 663598

SIN19: Secure your next a security guard!

Secure your next a security guard!

It has been reported that two-thirds of the senior Informaton Security positions have not been filled due to a skills shortage.
The Institute of Information Security Professionals (IISP) says that 14 senior positions in the public and private sector have not been filled due a shortage of talent.
An ever increasing number of very public lapses in companies security processes, has meant a big increase in programmes to ensure companies are protecting all levels of information. The skills to be able to define policy and strategy seems to be the key missing talents.
So, maybe now is the time to invest in yourself and expand your security expertise; by all accounts finding a new, very senior role should be quite easy...

For more information take a look at this article

SIN19: csi10 Wanted : Senior Change Management Professionals

csi10 have been asked to help find a senior and experienced Change Manager who can help the CIO function of one of the fastest growing FTSE100 companies achieve it goals.
The role will be to set strategy, policy and process to ensure that the CIO function is seen as a valued and valuable asset to the company; whilst ensuring that all the transisiton programmes (major and minor)can deliver smooth, effective business change to capaitalise on the ever increasing new business being won.
You will have to demonstrate a true dedication and expertise in the art and science of change management.
If you, or someone you know, is up for a real challenge, then please contact me (Jeremy White).

tel: 07712 663598

Wednesday 21 January 2009

SAP Innovation Newsletter 18: Introduction

It would appear that the incoming tide of Indian companies who are looking for much more business in the UK (both organic and by aquisition) may be about to be stemmed.
I also introduce a great networker who builds hugely profitable partner functions.
Is SOA dead! : according to one research director it is! And are you an SAP HR Programme Director who can help with good advice?

SIN18: The Indians are coming - or are they?

The Indians are coming - or are they?

As Satyam is being investigated for 'financial irregularities', (some have mentioned on the same scale as Enron), what will be the impact on what most were predicting to be a great year for offshore outsourcing as UK companies look for lower costs and more added value for their IT dollars.
Some have predicted that it will not have any effect but we disagree, any company looking to offshore will now be examining their potential partner with a here-to-fore unknown level of scrutiny. This will add to the time and effort in deciding on a partner and will add to many peoples belief that many offshoring contracts are not working....
It will also accelerate the slow-down in the Indian economy which was reported as far back as early November.
However this could also have an impact on UK IT, as smaller firms which were being targetted by Indian IT companies as possible acquisitions now find they have no buyers......
Interesting times we live in.....

SAP Star Number 18 : Charles Bennett

SAP Star Number 18
Let me introduce.....
Charles Bennett

Charles is a long-term SAP networker. Having been involved with SAP in his early days at HP he then joined SAP UK Alliances team where he added significant value by bringing order to an essential element of the SAP sales strategy enabling £m’s worth of revenue through partner efforts. Developing this theme Charles then became the Global Partner Manager leveraging both SAP and CAP Gemini resources to multi-million dollar success.
Charles then successfully helped SAP introduce Netweaver across the world, now accounting for more than 15% of SAP revenues. Charles left SAP to develop a global partner channel for StreamServe which now produces more than 30% of revenues for the company.
Charles is a fantastic networker and can add value to any company on many different levels.
If you are looking to bolster your partner generated revenue stream, you can do no better than talk to Charles.
Call me and I will put you in touch.

tel: 07712 663598

SIN18: SOA died 1st Jan 2009 - RIP!

SOA died 1st Jan 2009

A widely respected Research Director at the Burton Group, Anne Thomas Manes, has declared SOA dead in her regular blog!
"All these guys intent on pursuing [an] SOA initiative, they're not going to have any money to do it because the business is not going to continue to fund it," say Manes. Through her research she identified that this is mainly due to failed SOA projects.
However, she stresses that there is a continued need for the components that effectively make up SOA but 'SOA' must disappear from IT vocabulary as it holds no positive connotations.
What is your view? Will your SOA project continue?

For more information take a look at this article

SIN18: csi10 Wanted : HR Programme Directors

We are looking for Experienced HR Programme Directors who are willing to discuss their experience with a client who is about to embark on probably one of the biggest ever HR implementations in the UK and maybe the world.

If you have real life experience and could help my colleague plan to avoid the many and various pitfalls let me know and I will put you in touch.

Thanks for your help.

Thursday 8 January 2009

SAP Innovation Newsletter 17: Introduction SIN17

This is a bit of a departure for the Christmas version of the newsletter. There is a little news but we really wanted to concentrate on thanking you for your support in 2008, wishing you a happy festive period and a prosperous 2009.
Happy Xmas 2008.

Innovation Number 17: Extending SAP Value

csi10 - extending the SAP value!

csi10 Ltd. is dedicated to helping SAP customers make the most of their investment in SAP.

Whilst we are experts at finding, evaluating and helping introduce solutions and services that add significant added value to SAP customers, we are also master networkers and enjoy nothing more than introducing customers who are looking to expand their use of SAP to others who have already done so.

So if your plans for 2009 involve you expanding into unknown territory, then our network probably includes someone who is willing to share their experience.

You can lose nothing by asking us so feel free....... just send us an email on:

SAP Star Number 17: XMAS and No Star

Let me introduce.....
XMAS and No Star

We have decided that as this is the newsletter before Christmas we would forego introducing anyone and just leave you with a thought for the festive season.....

Through the year we have met many many great people from clients to SAP, from making new friends to meeting old friends again, from the great teams in SAP customers ably supported by SAP partners and contractors, SAP complimentary solution providers and many others who work around the SAP community. To all these, and most especially to you and yours we wish to a very Merry Christmas and a very Prosperous 2009.

AND, if you think we can help in anyway then please feel free to contact us at csi10 and we will do our best to aid you in your next challenge.

For more information call me.....
tel: 07712 663598

SIN17: SAP customer stops implementation

It has been widely reported in the US news that a customer who is experiencing major difficulties as the recession bites has been 'encouraged' by their major stakeholder to abandon their reckless course of action and pull out of a very expensive SAP implementation.

Whilst this is the first I have heard of, I am convinced that over the next 18months it will; not be the last.
Many companies that we are associated with are thoroughly reviewing their plans for 2009 and reducing their aspirations on what they expect to achieve.
Hopefully we can all continue to be associated with successful projects but it would appear that they will be less prevalent.

See: SAP Project Halted

SIN17: csi10 Wanted : A peaceful yuletide and a great start to 2009

csi10 wish all our newsletter readers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

We have enjoyed working with many of you through 2008 and hope to continue that and work with many more of you in 2009.

So please keep safe, enjoy your family over the festive period and we look forward to working with you soon.

OH! and by the way...... please feel free to comment on previous newsletter articles at SAP INNOVATIONS BLOG.

SAP Innovation Newsletter 16: Introduction SIN16

Whilst we continue our theme of finding ways to help you offer savings back to the business in these difficult times, we kick off with a real WINNER - a GOLD WINNER! who can now claim to have one of the best SAP systems in the UK. Our SAP STAR is also known for applying his companies IT Value-Management approach to everything, ensuring you can deliver provable value-add to the business..... and are there savings to be had on the new SAP Enterprise Support - chinks in the armour are appearing!
Lastly what do you know about SAP LAW - you may be able to help me!

Innovation Number 16: Golden SAP!


This week saw the first ever WestTrax Gold award being won by a UK company.
SABIC UK runs a local SAP solution that was cloned from its former parent-companies global SAP system. With a focus and verve that highlighted their passion to provide a truly value-add service, Paul Ettridge (SAP STAR number 03) and his team set about making sure their SAP was as fit as it could be.

An initial WestTrax KPIScan review, won a bronze award and highlighted several key areas for attention to improve cost efficiency, quality, performance and productivity. Within several months Paul’s team had managed out lots of redundancy and tightened the SAP system so that the follow-up review produced this spectacular result.
Well done SABIC UK – you now have invaluable proof that you deliver SAP excellence to your business.

If you want to know more about how to win GOLD for your SAP, please ask;

SAP Star Number 16 : Gareth edwards

Let me introduce.....
Gareth Edwards

As you may have gathered from the name Gareth is a Welsh Rugby supporter – but you have to forgive him that as he does have lots of redeeming qualities.

Gareth is a partner at the Birchman Group, with a key skill set that enable customers to release the real value inherent in the IT landscape. Having spent many years helping companies, Cadbury’s, Huntsman, Shell and BSI, to name a few, implement SAP on a global basis, he has recently used this experience to focus on making sure companies make sensible investments in IT and then deliver improvements in a pragmatic way.

As the business climate gets ever more challenging, you may wish to avail yourself of Gareth’s expertise and experience in making sure you get the most from your current and future IT investments.

For more information call me.....

tel: 07712 663598

SIN16: SAP makes support contract concessions

It is reported today that SAP are to make concessions on moving customers to the new 22% Enterprise Support.
SAP has said that this is due to legal and contractual issues.
However this only applies in Germany and Austria as the laws and sentiment about cancellation of existing support contracts has driven SAP to have to make the concession……..
So!, is this the start of more concessions to be made….
Take a look at this article and see what you think…..
SAP SUPPORT Contract Concessions

For more ways to save on SAP take a look here:-

SIN16: csi10 Wanted : SAP License Optimisation

As the difficult trading conditions continue, it is for all of us in IT to find ways of doing more with less.
A recent IDC review identified that there is a major disconnect between the perceived value of software and the
management of software, which highlights the lack of focus on managing the software you are entitled use - aka License Optimisation.
I (Jeremy) would like to talk to anyone who has had first hand experience of using the SAP License Administration Workbench (LAW) to improve their management of SAP licenses......

Please call me on .....

SAP Innovation Newsletter 15: Introduction SIN15

We initiate a focus on helping you recession-proof your IT department and start with a revelation from an SAP market analyst and a service that will help bridge a potentially lethal gap. We also introduce a long term SAP expert in Logistics who provides expert integration skills across the SAP product set. And to ensure you can always find that particular article you read in the SAP Innovation Newsletter without the need to find the email - we have put all the articles in a Blog for your convenience. Go have a look and add your comments on any article.

Innovation Number 15: Recession SAP....

Innovation Number 15
Recession SAP....

A recent bit of research from AMR (thanks to Derek Prior - See SAP Star Number 14) has highlighted the key needs for senior IT personnel surf the credit crunch and come out the other end with a leaner, meaner well respected IT department.
The one key finding from the research highlights that the relationship between CIO and executive was very important and will seriously impact the CIO continuity if not at the highest level possible.

The csi10 CIO coaching programme, a 7 half-day session programme enables you to identify and radically improve the relationship. Utilising a combination of self-branding, a proven sales methodology and change management principles, the approach gives you a clear, concise and easily manageable process to improve your standing within your corporate community - the essential ingredient of recession survival for a CIO.

SAP Star Number 15 : Chris Perry

Let me introduce.....
Chris Perry
Chris is a long term SAP professional with 19 years of SAP R/2 & R/3 experience including consulting & management roles.
Currently providing Integration Management services for a global roll-out, he is also a
Subject Matter Expert in Change Control and Project Methodologies.
Having managed Projects in Asia, Europe and the USA, he brings an expertise across a wide spectrum of work, including strategy, process design, methodologies, technical design and hands-on delivery.
Chris has a detailed understanding of most of the SAP logistics modules.

Chris is a real results oriented consultant and a good communicator who enjoys working as part of a team. With an expertise in Business Connector and general SAP Web Enablement, especially in Business to Business Integration, he has also provided SAP Radio Frequency Integration with SAP WM (no mean feat).
If you would like to chat with Chris, just give me a shout and I will make the introduction.

SIN15: csi10 Wanted : GRC solutions and services

We at csi10 are in constant contact with mnay senior IT professionals and as such we are constantly being asked if we know where certain 'fashionable' services / solutions can be found.

In vogue at present is SAP security and GRC and we at csi10 have yet to find a compelling solution / service-set for either of these in-demand requirements.

If you know-of, or have used a supplier , or even an individual that you would rate as excellent, then we would really like t know about them.

Please get in contact with us.

SIN 15: SAP Innovation News - The Archive.

A complete archive of all the past SAP Innovation newsletters has been copied into a Blog.

Please take a look and comment on any article that you feel needs your input.
Please don't hold back -- if you think its all rubbish - feel free to say so!
The more comments the better.

Each future SAP Innovation Newsletter will be added on the day it is sent to you.
You can find the archive at:

Thanks for you continued interest.